Кизевальтер Георгий Insider

Кизевальтер Георгий Insider
George Kiesewalter’s album Insider is the first comprehensive survey of his documentary archive photographs. One of the key contributors to the Moscow underground art scene of the 1970s and 1980s, George Kiesewalter is known as a member of Collective Actions group and the Avant-Garde Club, as well as for exhibiting his works at the legendary APTART gallery. What is less known is that he was also a prolific photographer of the scene in which he participated, gradually building an archive that includes documentation of Collective Actions’ happenings, apartment exhibitions, portraits of fellow nonconformist artists and interiors of their studios, as well as scenes from their everyday life.
Кизевальтер Георгий Insider
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Цена: 7442.00